
2024 Toys for Tots Collection

Thank you to everyone who brought an unwrapped toy for our Toys for Tots collection. We filled 3, 55 gallon bags full of toys for kids in need. We then brought those toys to the Hunterdon County Bulldogs Marine Corps League for donation,

Special thank you to Veronika Golembiewski for helping to collect toys before the Pingry game

Cory Cooke photo shoot for sponsor posters. Thank you Cory!

Team Pasta Party 12/10. Thank you to Lisa Easley and Raina Filipiak for coordinating this event.
Thank you to all the parents who contributed dishes. The team loved them!

Parent Social 11/14/24

HCRHS Summer Camp 2024, 7/17/2024

Thank you to all who volunteered their time at the Flemington Food Pantry!